At St Luke's, we plan writing using the National Curriculum key objectives. The units of work taught in English are organised into 2-4 week blocks, covering a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry genres. Each unit is organised so children cover skills in reading, drama/performance, grammar, punctuation and spelling and conclude in a 'Big Write' - this involves planning, writing, editing and publishing a piece of text of the selected genre. We ensure that a range of genres are taught across the school and that there is progression in the skills learnt. We use the following guidance documents to support planning of Writing:
Progression in vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
We are currently using the Letter-Join website to teach handwriting at school. You can now access the Letter-Join website at home to help your child with their handwriting (please ask the class teacher for the log-in details). Once logged in, you will be able to watch how to write all the letters of the alphabet in the same style we use in school and print out worksheets.
For Spelling, Years 2-6 use the No-Nonsense spelling scheme.