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“The distinctiveness and effectiveness of St. Luke’s Isle of Dogs as a Church of England school are outstanding”

Daily Collective Worship at St. Luke’s School is a very special time when the school community is gathered together each day.

Daily Collective Worship at St. Luke’s provides a key focal point of the school day where stories from the Bible, Christian values and themes are explored in depth.

The headteacher, other senior leaders and the clergy team work in partnership to ensure Collective Worship celebrates God as Creator, Jesus as the Son of God and the work of the Holy Spirit, in the lives of believers.  The importance of the Bible and the Church as the foundations of Christianity are also celebrated.  Shared values such as fairness, responsibility, kindness and honesty enrich our daily act of worship and our lives.

While St Luke’s is a Church of England school, we are committed to respecting individual beliefs. We celebrate the rich diversity of all the members of our school and seek to have a cohesive, harmonious community.  Whilst collective worship will always reflect the Christian ethos of our school, we respect and acknowledge the variety of religious observances which are represented in our school and within the wider community.

Children are active participants in Collective Worship as well as leaders and evaluators. All children will be involved in leading Collective Worship each year. Children embrace opportunities to write prayers, for Collective Worship as a whole community and for use in class.

Evaluation and feedback has shown us that Collective Worship makes a significant contribution to the children’s understanding of their place in the world and their personal sense of spirituality. Children evidence that Collective Worship helps them to learn how to respect, understand and value the views of others.

Read our SIAMS 2017 report here.

Read our SIAS 2012 report here.

To read more about our approach to Collective Worship at St Luke's - please read our policy which can be found in the policies section of this website, under 'About Us'.

This is what some of our children say about Collective Worship at our school:

All quoted in our SIAMs Report –
December 2017

Collective worship helps them ‘think about the school’s values and how to use them all every day’.

RE ambassadors speak about how the school’s values and worship ‘helps us think about our journey in the world’ and ‘how we can make a difference’.

Children explain how worship can ‘make us feel as if we are overflowing with love’ and that we can ‘go out into the world’ knowing we are ‘loved and supported’.


Thoughts for the week

Each week our collective worship revolves around a school value and a story from the Bible. This week we have been looking at the value of ‘courage’ in Luke 9:51-62 (Jesus is facing Jerusalem where he will willingly give up his life on the cross. He challenges those who say that they will follow him.)

The children discussed these big questions in class based on the story.

Year 1-2: When was the last time you helped someone? What happened?

Anastasia: I helped my little sister to get a snack because she couldn’t reach the cupboard. She gave me a kiss for helping her.
Paulie: I checked up in my friend Dylan when he was hurt during football.


Year 3-4: What can you do this week to show kindness to someone?

David: Helping elderly people by picking up something they dropped

Elenora: Smile at somebody.

Frank: Including people in games, never give up on somebody, cheer them up and show respect

Charlotte: I’m doing a show at George Green on Friday and I’m helping others to learn their lines

Ayan: I’m helping and sharing with my friends


Year 5-6: Have you ever stood up for someone else when they needed your help?


Kayleigh: courage comes from the brain

Sokal: You can just be brave

Amena: I stopped an argument

Nadi: I stood up for a Year 1​


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Tel: 020 7987 1753


Saunders Ness Road

Isle of Dogs

London  E14 3EB

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