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Our vision and our mission


Our Vision

At St. Luke’s, we are standing up for the truth of Christ and love of God. As a diverse community, we have values that are understood and accessible to people of all beliefs and world views.



Our vision is captured in our school motto: 'Hearts overflowing with truth and love'. 


It stems from the story towards the end of the gospel of St. Luke when the disciples ‘crestfallen’ are on the road to Emmaus. The story begins with the total bleakness of people whose dreams have been shattered, facing a dark future because of the horribly cruel end that has come to someone they’ve loved more than anyone else in the world. Then God in his providence brings a stranger into their lives and they feel a growing openness to him. They cast their cares on him maybe for an hour or two. Could he be someone who might help them . . . or not? Their faces reflect the state of their hearts, utterly downcast, but then the stranger starts to speak in a way that makes them feel full of life and hope again - they feel as if their hearts are catching on fire with truth and love! Later, at supper, they realise that this is not a stranger at all, but Jesus who has risen from the dead.


This story declares to all mankind the reality of new life through the kindness of the living Jesus who does come near us.


This motto is designed to capture the utter joy that we want children to experience, through their learning here at our school, the personal qualities that we hope they will develop and the impact that we hope they will have on one another.


Our Mission


St. Luke’s is a caring Church of England Primary School that is committed to supporting our pupils to be happy, successful, generous and fulfilled throughout their lives. We believe that each of us is unique and valued by God—all made in his image. And so we aspire to provide an outstanding education for all. We do this by:


  • Promoting the highest standards of teaching and learning, with excellent leadership

  • Being inclusive, celebrating diversity including all religions, faiths, cultures and backgrounds

  • Providing a rich and stimulating curriculum that will inspire and challenge all our learners

  • Driving lifelong learning by teaching children to remember more through recall and repeated practical use of prior learning.

  • Being a safe, healthy and happy place

  • Providing excellent care, guidance and support

  • Having a strong partnership between school, parents and the community


We seek to promote core values within our children that will prepare them for a successful life. They should be:


  • Hardworking, showing enthusiasm for their learning and striving towards high personal standards and excellence in all that they do;

  • Kind and respectful with excellent manners;

  • Co-operative and collaborative, developing strong partnerships for learning, personal and spiritual growth and development;

  • Honest and trustworthy treating others fairly and safely;

  • Resilient and determined, showing great courage and a willingness to take responsibility for the impact that they have on others;

  • Highly principled with moral, spiritual, cultural and social awareness, including shared British Values.







Contact Us


© Copyright 2019 by St Luke's CE Primary School. Proudly created by Clever ICT LTD

Tel: 020 7987 1753


Saunders Ness Road

Isle of Dogs

London  E14 3EB

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