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School Development plans and partnerships


For all organisations to be the best they can be, it is important that they identify areas to improve and develop and have a plan for how they intend to meet the targets they set themselves.  You can find out how we plan to develop the school in the documents below:

Download our School Development Plan for 2022.23 here


Download our School Development Plan for 2021.22 here


Download our School Development Plan for 2020.21 here


Download our School Development Plan for 2019.20 here


Download our School Development Plan for 2018.19 here


Download our School Development Plan for 2017.18 here


Download our School Development Plan for 2016.17 here


Download our School Development Plan for 2015.16 here


We have a school value of 'partnership' because we firmly believe that we are stronger together and can achieve more for our community if we work together.


This begins within the school community, in terms of children, parents, staff and governors all seeking to work together for the benefit of each valued member of our community.


Hugely valued external partners include:


Harbinger Primary School with whom we now share some of our wonderful staff. 


The Isle of Dogs Community of Schools - the headteachers meet once every half term and we run whole Island projects to enhance children's learning. Examples include: Moderation of standards across the schools, the Pupil Parliament that meet regularly to debate local issues and the HSBC project where children pitch business ideas to aid the community in which they live to HSBC dragons.


The Deanery Partnership of schools - the headteachers of all of the Church of England Primary Schools meet once every half term and organise Deanery wide shared Continued Professional Development for staff and moderation of learning events. Effective practice is shared to benefit all schools and all children within our Deanery. See our website for more information.


The Tower Hamlets Education Partnership (THEP) - who provide challenge to our schools to maintain the very highest standards and provide staff at all levels in our schools with high quality professional learning and development opportunities. 


The London Diocesan Board of Schools (LDBS) - who lead, guide and support us in providing the very best for the community that we serve. 






Contact Us


© Copyright 2019 by St Luke's CE Primary School. Proudly created by Clever ICT LTD

Tel: 020 7987 1753


Saunders Ness Road

Isle of Dogs

London  E14 3EB

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