St Luke’s C.E. Primary School is strongly committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers and those within our local community to share this commitment. We ensure, through establishing a culture of vigilance, that consistent effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school.
The Designated Safeguarding Leader is Cristina King, Head of School.
Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader is Christine Collins, our Community Cohesion Leader.
To complement and enhance the work of our Designated Safeguarding Leader and our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders we have a Safeguarding Team. This team includes:
Jessica Dewan, our SENCO
Fiona Treasure, our Psychological Therapist
Absana Begum, our Safeguarding Administrator
Nina Quinn, an HLTA
School policies in relation to Safeguarding can be found under 'About Us' and in the Policies section.
Press here for a copy of the school's Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.
For additional information relating to Safeguarding within London Borough of Tower Hamlets please refer to the following website:
First aid and allergies
At St Luke's, we pride ourselves on ensuring that all children with medical and allergy needs are accommodated fully in school. Staff are trained to work with children who have medical and allergy needs and work alongside​ and in partnership with parents and outside medical professionals. All information is updated regularly and training needs of staff are always met.
Press here for our policy on how the school supports children with medical conditions and needs.
Press here for our policy on First Aid.
Press here for our Asthma and Allergy Policy
Please see below some helpful flyers for parents of children that suffer from Asthma
Make sure you have your Asthma Plan
Guidance from the DfE for safeguarding children in out of school settings
In October 2020, the government published guidance intended to help parents and carers choose a safer out-of-school setting for their child, including:
community activities
after-school clubs
supplementary schools
music lessons
sports training
Find the guidance here:
Translations into the community languages can be found here:
Support for families experiencing domestic abuse
With the recent pandemic and lockdowns, incidents of domestic abuse have sadly become increasingly common across the UK.
With the safety and welfare of all our families in mind, we are sharing with you government domestic abuse guidance in Bengali, Somali, Mandarin and other languages.
These links explain how to recognise and report domestic abuse and where support can be accessed for victims and perpetrators.
If you have any concerns about the situation of yourself or others, please do not hesitate to read and follow the advice provided.
Keep well and take good care of yourselves.
Links to the guidance:
Other languages are available here:
English here:
Please note that our school and governors are signed up to the borough's Anti 'Violence Against Women and Girls' pledge:
We recognise that all schools have an essential role to play in tackling gender inequality and promoting community safety. By signing up to this pledge we commit ourselves to maintaining a school environment that is a safe place for girls to thrive free from abuse. We commit to proactively promote healthy relationships, both within our school and at home and to model respect and equality to our students. We commit to tackling VAWG through a ‘Whole School Approach’, as outlined below.
We will:-
Promote and implement a policy that promotes diversity and equality and challenges all forms of discrimination
Explicitly include VAWG within safeguarding and bullying policies (i.e. bullying policies should include sexual bullying and harassment and child protection policies should include specific reference to female genital mutilation, child sexual exploitation and domestic abuse)
Ensure that our employment and health and safety policies and procedures deal effectively with all incidents of violence against women and girls that occur in the workplace whether between employees, pupils and their families, against staff members or the public.
Monitor VAWG cases that are reported to the School, and ensure appropriate records are kept of all reports and action taken.
Ensure clear referral pathways are in place for students to have access to specialist VAWG support services in the community
Review the curriculum to ensure that gender equality is promoted where appropriate
Include VAWG in PSHE lessons
Provide group work for girls and boys to discuss healthy relationships, either internally or through the use of external organisations, to each key stage
Facilitate group work on cyber and sexual bullying to each key stage
Provide staff resources on VAWG, such as referral forms and protocols
Identify a member of staff to train as a VAWG champion and act as a point of contact for other teaching and non-teaching staff (such as your child protection lead)
Facilitate training for all school staff on VAWG awareness
Ensure teachers receive ongoing training on understanding and dealing with all forms of VAWG, including handling disclosures and delivering lessons on prevention.
Facilitate coffee mornings with parents specifically to discuss and identify risk factors for VAWG
Develop or ensure availability of leaflets for parents
Agree for our school’s name and logo to appear on the Council’s web page and publicity materials as an anti-VAWG School