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Homework is set regularly for all children each week. Parents will be informed of their child’s homework timetable and are encouraged to help children with their routine learning tasks. We have a system of core, optional and half term project homework. This is because some of our families want lots of homework whereas others like to assume responsibility for their child’s learning when they are not in school.


Core homework requires a short amount of time to complete it and includes aspects of learning that benefit from frequent practice: spellings, number facts, times tables, high frequency words etc.


Optional homework must be requested by the parent and will be a longer task. It might be a reading comprehension or a set of problems for the pupils to solve. If a child completes this work it MUST be marked and the parents needs to be able to see the feedback given.


Project homework is set at the beginning of each half term, to be returned at the end of the half term. It will lead to a 3D outcome once per half term, but for another half term may be a piece of research for example – essentially a 2D outcome. Teachers are expected to work hard to motivate the children to complete the project homework. It will be celebrated in Collective Worship and house points will be awarded.




All children are expected to read at home on several occasions each week and are encouraged to take a reading book home (each week for KS1).  Parents/carers are encouraged to comment on their child’s reading in the Reading Record book. Teachers in turn also comment in those record books so that a 2-way dialogue exists to support the child’s reading improving.


If a child is not reading/returning their book regularly or the parent/carer is not recording it in the home-school reading contact book, teachers are expected to make contact to discuss how support for reading at home can be improved.


Individual children experiencing difficulties with particular work may be given extra work to complete at home to help their educational progress.


Individual children may be asked to complete unfinished work at home.


Children who are absent from school through illness for more than one or two days will be given suitable work upon request to the class teacher.





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Tel: 020 7987 1753


Saunders Ness Road

Isle of Dogs

London  E14 3EB

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