Key information regarding our Full Governing Body and Committee meetings
All governing bodies have an 'Instrument of Governance'.
This document details the composition of the school's governing body and in particular, the numbers of different types of governors.
On St. Luke's Governing Body we have:
2 parent governors;
1 staff governor;
1 headteacher governor;
1 local authority governor;
7 Foundation governors.
The 7 Foundation Governors are filled as follows:
The Officiating Minister of Christchurch;
2 appointed by the Tower Hamlets Deanery Synod;
2 appointed by the London Diocesan Board of Schools;
2 appointed by the Parochial Church Council of Christchurch.
You can read our full 'Instrument of Governance' here.
Our Governing Body meets as a full Governing Body and also has two committees that meet regularly. They are:
The Curriculum and Standards Committee;
The Finance, Premises and Personnel Committee.
Our Governing Body arranges meetings of other committees on a 'needs' basis.
Each of our school governors also has at least one 'link' role, which sees them becoming a particularly informed in an area of the school's work, so as to support the governing body in both supporting and challenging the school, and holding the school to account.
The Terms of Reference for each of our committees, their chairs and the Link Governor roles are all detailed here.
This document outlines how responsibilities are delegated - Scheme of Delegation.
Governors' meeting attendance:
Our full governing body meet 4 times a year and each of our committees meet 3 times a year.
You can read about our governors' attendance each year, below:
Click here for the attendance record of governors' meetings 2021-22
Click here for the attendance record of governors' meetings 2020-21
Click here for attendance record of governors' meetings 2019-20
Click here for attendance record of governors' meetings 2018-19
Click here for attendance record of governors’ meetings 2017-18
Click here for attendance record of governors’ meetings 2016-17
Our governors have made the decision not to publish the minutes of their meetings on this website as there are so many of them, meaning the site quickly becomes cluttered. If you would like to read copies of the minutes, please email the School Business Manager, Mai-Anh Dien and she will make arrangements for copies to be sent to you. She can be emailed at: