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Equality Objectives

With school values of fairness and respect, our Equality Objectives are central to our school's Mission.


The Governors of our school, after careful consideration, decided to link our Equality Objectives to raising the achievement of our children who are more vulnerable to not achieving well because of a range of characteristics that impact upon their access to and readiness to learn. The Governors of our school want us to remove any barriers to learning to enable all children to be able to achieve well and live their lives fully.


Furthermore, the Governors of the school want us to provide a curriculum that celebrates and embraces our diversity, where everyone can feel included and be inspired to achieve well. 


As outcomes for our policy and objectives we strive to ensure:

  • All pupils are treated equally and as favourably as others.

  • All reasonable adjustments are made to promote equal opportunity and equal treatment of all members of the school community.

  • All pupils have their individual needs met, taking full account of their age, disability, gender, gender-identity, race, religion or belief and sexual orientation in accordance with the requirements of The Single Equality Act 2010


Please click here for our revised Equality Policy for 2022 - 2025 including our Equality Objectives

Please note that our Equality Policy also includes the public sector equality duty requirements


Please click here for our annual review of the Equalities Objectives - Autumn 2023


Please click here for the school's Equality Policy 2017 - 2022


Please click here for a review of the Equality Objectives 2017-2021

Please note that due to the Covid pandemic the Governors of the school made the decision to extend the objectives for 2017 - 2021, as they remained relevant, until the next set of robust achievement data became available for the school. The children did set assessments in 2022, but at the point of writing this in January 2023, the data for disadvantaged pupils had not been shared with schools and furthermore, the 2022 data is not being published nationally. As such the school has reviewed the 2017 - 2021 objectives in the attachment above but awaits further national data to conclude that task.




Please note that our school and governors also sign up to the Tower Hamlets Equalities Pledge:

The Headteachers of Tower Hamlets schools are committed to supporting and addressing the actions outlined in the Inequality Race Commission Report (18th March 2021).  We will work with our partners such as the Local Authority, Tower Hamlets Education Partnership and beyond, to strengthen our approach and therefore our impact towards reducing inequality now and for generations to come.  As Headteachers in this vibrant and diverse borough, the longstanding power of our collaboration and support for each other is the foundation to our magnitude of successes. Now, more than ever, is the time to invest this power in making our borough stand stronger in solidarity against discrimination, actively strive to be more equal, more inclusive and even richer because we maximise talent within our Black and Ethnic Minority community.  


We consider that all manifestations of inequality are wholly unacceptable and will act positively to eliminate discrimination where it occurs and to promote equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it. We will take prompt, effective and systematic action to deal with all discriminatory incidents and to identify and address inequalities arising from discrimination. 


In unity, we will work together to champion the brilliance of our Black and Ethnic Minority community and make a tangible difference to reduce inequalities in our borough both now and for the future. 

We also commit ourselves to the aims of the Tower Hamlets corporate pledge.  


School specific activities: 


We know our pledge needs to be underpinned by significant actions.  In the initial stages, our school has, or is actively working towards:  

  • Engaging / participating in a working party scoping a leadership programme aimed at increasing the number of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic teachers in Head and Deputy Head roles. 

  • Auditing our practice within schools and identifying the key improvement areas 

  • Understanding and actively supporting the overall aims through for example, local area data, recruitment and training 

  • Finding best practice across the country 

  • Sharing our own good practice between schools 

  • Taking part in an anti-racist curriculum project with Global Learning London to ‘decolonise’ the curriculum and establish the difference between non-racism and racism, and what that means in a school setting.  

  • All involved in recruitment of governors to undertake unconscious bias training.  



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Tel: 020 7987 1753


Saunders Ness Road

Isle of Dogs

London  E14 3EB

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