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Our Intent


At St. Luke’s we aim to provide every child with the opportunity to take an active role within the school and engage in activities outside of the national curriculum. We encourage our children to be active citizens in our community through supporting road safety, our local churches and connecting with others schools and social enterprises locally, nationally and internationally.

Our school development plan has two key objectives linked to the leadership of enrichment role:

  • Develop distinctive ethos and pupils well being

  • Develop the school’s effectiveness as a church school


Planning and Delivery

In order to achieve this intent:

  • We will work to continue to develop the provision before, during and after school in such a way that there are opportunities for children of all ages, accessed by children who are eligible for Pupil Premium as well as other children.


  • Continue to develop Pupil Voice and Responsibility so that pupils feel listened to and that their views are acted upon.


  • We will work in partnership with the Council to develop a Travel Plan to address parking and to reduce emissions around the school site.


  • Strengthen staff, children and parents’ understanding of the school’s motto and vision.


  • Develop a shared interpretation of spirituality that is understood by the school community.


  • Develop work with Global (Love Trust in Nigeria) and National Partner (Reculver Primary School) so that children develop a sense of social and moral ties to communities both within the UK and across the world considering impact on self and others.


  • Keep under review the fundraising and work for charity undertaken by the school. Take steps to ensure that it is all linked to the overarching aim to reduce the impact of poverty (see below). Seek to ensure that children in the school understand the purpose and impact and that they are motivated by the cause so that their action and impact ‘moves’ them.


  • Seek to bring aspirational speakers into the school, to challenge and inspire learners to overcome challenges in pursuit of goals.

  • (For charity work: KS1 Global Partner – Love Trust, Year 3 and 4 – Shelter/NSPCC, Years 5 and 6 – local foodbanks and support for the homeless – St. Luke’s message is ‘it’s not about me, it’s about my impact on others).


  • Develop greater consistency in the gathering and use of pupil and staff evaluation of Collective Worship.


  • Let Mass deepen children’s knowledge and understanding of the story of Christianity including old and new testaments of the Bible.


  • Work to raise the profile of prayer in the school community, in particular in partnership with Prayer Space and Christ Church.


Monitoring of Enrichment

We will ensure that governors keep under review, the effectiveness of the school, as a church school.


We will maintain our partnership with GROW Consultant, John Viner, to keep the focus on ongoing self-review and development in line with the new SIAMs Framework.


The Leader of Enrichment and Leader of PE will meet half-termly to discuss provision. This provision is to be mapped to our pupil premium children.


The leader of enrichment and SLT will monitor enrichment at St Luke’s with reference to the school improvement plan, SIAM’s inspection framework and the expectations of our curriculum intent – Managing change/resilience, Celebrating differences and raising aspirations.


Continued Professional Development

The enrichment leader, in partnership with the SLT, will support all staff in their CPD in this area, based on the needs of individual teachers, and wider school priorities.

Furthermore, the enrichment leader provides individual support for all staff in leading their Monday class service and provides a link between staff members and the local churches and social enterprises.


Special Education Needs provision

In providing enrichment opportunities will be planned according to the needs and abilities of children within the school, differentiating for the more able and the less able appropriately. The needs of children on the SEN register will be accounted for and appropriate to their IEPs, with reference to the SEN policy. Teachers must ensure that a child’s barriers to learning do not impact upon them being able to be active citizens within the school, local and wider community.





Contact Us


© Copyright 2019 by St Luke's CE Primary School. Proudly created by Clever ICT LTD

Tel: 020 7987 1753


Saunders Ness Road

Isle of Dogs

London  E14 3EB

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