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Our Curriculum

Each school is unique. We are all tasked to deliver the National Curriculum, however we serve different communities and as such each school designs its curriculum to reflect the school's distinctiveness and what it feels is of greatest importance to the community it serves. 


St. Luke's is a Church of England primary school. We sit within the Diocese of London and we work in close partnership with the London Diocesan Board of Schools (LDBS) who care for163 schools across 18 local authorities, caring for 59,000 students, as well as, many thousands of teachers and support staff working in our schools. One of the key purposes of the LDBS is “to promote education which is consistent with the faith and practice of the Church of England”. 


The diagram below shows how our school's Christian ethos, vision, mission and values all work together and underpin the school curriculum in our Church of England primary school.






































To ensure our Christian distinctiveness, Vision and Mission are integrated throughout the curriculum the children learn we have identified key questions for each year group, in each term to consider:







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When defining our curriculum ambition and purpose for all children, we thought deeply about our community's needs:


To have high aspirations

We believe that what ever we do is preparing children for the next phase of their education and each phase of education is a stepping stone from where they are, to being equipped to lead fulfilling lives. 

Our experience of working with the families that we serve is that they all want the very best for their children as indeed do we.

Furthermore, as a school we never stand still. We are a learning organisation to its core, and we expect all members of our community to engage in learning, to be hungry to reflect, learn and improve whoever we are or whatever it may be.

Removing ceilings and creating aspirations fuels continuous development and improvement for all. 


To celebrate differences in the world around us

We are proud to have a school population representing a multitude of ethnic and cultural backgrounds with people of all faiths and no faith. We would be missing a trick if we did not seek to exploit the richness such a community provides to enable the learning of everyone. Through learning we hope to educate generations who embrace living harmoniously with each other. Our school's diversity enriches the experience of learning in the school for everyone and ensures that we are able to fully prepare our children for successful and fulfilling lives beyond their time with us in their rich communities.


To develop the skills and personal qualities to respond to and manage change positively

In a rapidly changing world, where everyone is reflecting on the potential impact of automation in different industries, if you study the skills that people predict young people navigating this world will need, you will regularly hear about the importance of resilience, stress tolerance, and flexibility. Our children will need to be resilient when they are older. They will benefit from being able to see changes as opportunities rather than challenges. We have witnessed first hand in the current pandemic of the adaptability required from organisations to almost overnight transform the way services are delivered. Whatever our young children's futures have in store for them, being resilient and able to respond positively to change we hope will prepare them to live their lives fully.


Contact Us


© Copyright 2019 by St Luke's CE Primary School. Proudly created by Clever ICT LTD

Tel: 020 7987 1753


Saunders Ness Road

Isle of Dogs

London  E14 3EB

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