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Curriculum overview

At St Luke’s, we encourage children to learn confidently and to communicate what they have learnt.

We believe that children should have the benefit of a broad and balanced curriculum which extends and enriches their knowledge and understanding of the world we live in so that they are able to make a valuable contribution to society and their community as they grow.


We are particularly keen to develop the ‘whole child’ and as such seek to further children’s interest in music and art through our collaboration with specialist partners such as ‘Thames Music’.


We ensure children receive a rich curriculum by extending opportunities through theatre visits, visiting performers and musicians as well as school trips, including two residentials, that seek to take the best from the multitude of opportunities available in Tower Hamlets, from across Central London and beyond.  


At St Luke’s, we firmly believe that children learn best when they are able to make connections in their learning and apply skills learnt. Each half term we look at a theme which encompasses many curriculum areas; the themes chosen are those which we feel will captivate the children’s interest and their enthusiasm for learning as well as enable the National Curriculum to be learnt effectively.


We believe that children learn best when they are actively involved. 'Learning by doing' makes the work more interesting, more meaningful and more likely to make sense and be remembered. This kind of learning helps children to think clearly and deeply, to raise questions, to form hypotheses, to try out ideas and fundamentally, to draw conclusions and learn how to share and communicate what they have discovered. 


Click below for more information about our curriculum:


If you would like more information about the school curriculum, please email the Head of School who will forward your query onto the appropriate member of staff:


Contact Us


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Tel: 020 7987 1753


Saunders Ness Road

Isle of Dogs

London  E14 3EB

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