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Our School Values

Welcome to St Luke's C of E Primary School
Hearts overflowing with truth and love

We are really happy to welcome you to St. Luke’s C.E. Primary School where we are committed to supporting our children to be happy, successful, generous and fulfilled throughout their lives.


We believe that each of us is unique and valued by God – all made in his image and so we aspire to provide an outstanding education for all.

We pride ourselves that we know each and every child inside out. We do our best to help each child find their strengths and talents so that they can be challenged and then flourish. 


The impact of our school’s values, ‘safety, responsibility, kindness, respect, enthusiasm, partnership, fairness, honesty, excellence and courage’, in a Christian context, permeates the life of the school impacting on children’s personal, spiritual and academic development. In practice, this means our children are knowledgeable and want to achieve their very best.


At St. Luke’s we are on a journey together. We value our partnership with Christ Church which contributes to our distinct and rich Christian ethos as well as all partners in children’s well-being and learning. We encourage all members of our community to live and work by the school’s Christian vision, ‘Hearts overflowing with truth and love’, the origin of which lies in the Gospel of St. Luke, when the disciples are on the road to Emmaus.   


Alexandra Allan
Executive Headteacher

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Cristina King
Head of School

Together we strive to promote an understanding and respect of the diverse communities of ‘the Island’ that we serve and we hope that this is evident in the quality of relationships enjoyed by the school community.


If you would like to get a clear sense of our school, please read our SIAMs Report from December 2017 or our more recent Ofsted report from October 2021, both available on this website.


If you would like to come and visit us, please contact the school office on 0207 987 1753 and we will look forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,


Alexandra Allan      and       Cristina King

Executive Headteacher         Head of School

Parent Calendar

Term Dates

Autumn Term 2023:

5th September to 20th December 2023
(Half term - 23rd October to 27th October 2023)

Spring Term 2024:

8th January to 28th March 2024
(Half term - 12th February to 16th February 2024)

Summer Term 2024:

15th April to 19th July 2024
(Half term - 27th to 31st May 2024)

School Closures:

INSET days - 1st & 4th September 2023

21st & 22nd December 2023

Bank Holidays - 25th & 26th December 2023

New Year's Day 1st January 2024
Good Friday 29th March 2024
Easter Monday 1st April 2024

May Bank Holiday 6th May 2024

Spring Bank Holiday 27th May 2024

Summer Bank Holiday 26th August 2024 

School events

Please note that all documents relating to the school's response to the Coronavirus pandemic, previously here, have been moved to a dedicated page under this Home page menu called 'Living with Covid'. 

Please click on the buttons below to see what our children have been enthusiastically embracing. 


Contact Us


© Copyright 2019 by St Luke's CE Primary School. Proudly created by Clever ICT LTD

Tel: 020 7987 1753


Saunders Ness Road

Isle of Dogs

London  E14 3EB

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